Grid computing is applying the resources of many computers in a network to a single problem at the same time - usually to a scientific or technical problem that requires a great number of computer processing cycles or access to large amounts of data. A well-known example of grid computing in the public domain is the ongoing SET1 (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) @Home project in which thousands of people are sharing the unused processor cycles of their PCs in the vast search for signs of “rational” signals from outer space. According to John Patrick, IBM’s vice-president for Internet strategies, “the next big thing will be grid computing.”
The architecture of Grid Computing System consists of four layer
Figure 1: Grid Layered Architecture
In Figure 1, the bottom “Fabric” layer represents different distributed resources from different administrative domains, such as supercomputers or parallel computing clusters, storage systems, scientific instruments and data resources. Those resources are managed by domain-specific resource managers and users access them via the non-standard interfaces of the resource managers or directly via the Operating System API. On a computing resource, the local resource manager, known as the local scheduler or batch scheduler, is responsible for allocating computing elements to users’ jobs, launching them and monitoring their executions. Some well-known local schedulers include Sun Grid Engine (SGE) , Platform Load Sharing Facility (LSF), Portable Batch System (PBS) and IBM Load Leveler. System administrators of these systems may also deploy a resource monitoring system, such as Ganglia, to report resource load/failure status.
From bottom-up, the second layer, the “Connectivity” layer provides the core capabilities of the grid architecture for sharing individual resources, namely, the security infrastructure and the networking protocol. The security infrastructure is the middleware solutions to the grid security issues we mentioned before, and it is the core of the grid architecture. Currently, the standard solution is the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI), which uses public key cryptography as the basis for its functionality. The networking capabilities make use of the widely deployed standard protocols, such as HTTP, TCP/IP, etc., and recently, web service communication protocols, such as SOAP, also become part of this layer as the grid architecture moves to service oriented architectures.
The third layer, the “Resource” layer, provides interfaces for single resource sharing, which include remote computational resource access, data sharing and replication and resource monitoring and auditing. From this layer, users are able to access individual resources using standard grid interfaces. Middleware solutions in the “Resource” layer and the “Connectivity” layer address those grid issues we mentioned in the last section and provide a standard and uniform interface to build higher level services to access multiple resources collaboratively. The middlewares in these two layers serve as the software glue between the grid resources and the applications. The open source Globus Toolkit is the de facto standard for providing these middlewares. We have a dedicated section next to introduce it.
While the “Resource” layer is focused on interactions with a single resource, the next layer in the architecture contains protocols and services that are not associated with any one specific resource but rather capture interactions across collections of resources. For this reason, the next layer of the architecture is referred to as the “Collective” layer, the fourth layer in Figure 1. Typical services include resource co-allocation, application scheduling on multiple resources, application workflow execution and monitoring, data discovery and retrievals. The work described in this dissertation belongs to this layer. Software developed in this layer varies according to the application needs of the upper “Applications” layer and it is hard to provide a general solution that fits the various types of applications.
Softwares in the “Applications” layer provide an end-user environment to use a grid for domain applications, for example, a portal interface to submit computation job or transfer files from web browser; an interface or tool to develop grid applications. The middleware functionalities in this layer also depend on the requirements of applications and users, and they are developed together with services in the “Collective” layer.
To build a grid, the development and deployment of a number of middlewares are required, including those for the standard services, such as security, information, data and resource allocation services, and those services for application development, execution management, resource aggregation, and scheduling. Again, choosing which middleware to develop and/or to deploy depends on the requirements of both the applications and users, and there is no standard configuration for setting up a general-purpose grid.
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