Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Distributed Pervasive System

     Distributed Pervasive Systems are often characterized by being small, battery-powered, mobile, and having only a wireless connection, although not all these characteristics apply to all devices. The part of our surroundings and an important feature is the general lack of human administrative control. The devices can be configured by their owners, but otherwise they need to automatically discover their environment and “nestle in” as best as possible. There are three requirements for pervasive application:
  • Embrace contextual changes: a device must be continuously be aware of the fact that its environment may change all the time. One of the simplest changes is discovering that a network is no longer available. The application should react, possibly by automatically connecting to another network or taking other appropriate actions.
  • Encourage ad hoc composition: the fact that many devices in pervasive systems will be used in very different ways by different users. it should be easy to configure the suite of application running in device.
  • Recognize sharing as the default

    Electronic Health Care System are often equipped with various sensors organized in a (preferably wireless) body-area network (BAN). An important issue is that such a network should at worst only minimally hinder a person. The network should be able to operate while a person is moving, with no strings attached to immobile devices. This requirement leads to two obvious organizations.

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